Senin, 15 November 2010 got hacked

Check ;

Since the beginning of August 2010, the website of got hacked for several times. Some irresponsible persons called hackers, have used the website of for their phising activities. We found out that, in doing phising activities toward, these persons used the servers of “” for sending their phising emails to any potential victims. Some files of the hackers stored in our document indicated the use of that server are as follows :

#my @ adms = ("Raven", "BoWozZ", "gen5x4", "gOodboY", "Yakuza");
#my @ canais = ("# Raven");
# Put your channel here
#my @ nickname = ("cafeteria", "puncture", "Coottt", "jOgAng", "kick", "eclipse", "Milky Way");
#my $ nick = $ nickname [rand scalar @ nickname];
# Nickname of bot
#my $ ircname = 'crew'. int (rand (10));
#chop (my $ realname = 'KantinCrew Scanner');
# IRC name and realname
#$ Servidor = '' unless $ servidor;
#my $ porta = '6667 ';

We are afraid that such hacker attack will lower the credibility of website. As you know, this website has become one of a reliable source of Bandung tourism for its visitors since 2005. Even in Google's search results and Yahoo search engines, this site always occupies an excellent position.

That therefore, we do apologies to the visitors who need information about West Java and Bandung for temporarily unable to run our website normally, and also to all parties who have been harmed by these phishing activities (ISP and the users who have received the phising emails). We have truly never involved in these crime activities. We promise to prevent these inconveniences in the future by increasing the security system in our server.

In a couple days the new system will be implemented. Please stay with us, as we will continously improve some features in the website.

Best regards teams

Rabu, 03 November 2010

Percantik Ubuntu Anda Dengan Tampilan " CAIRO "

Mendengar kata " CAIRO " Kita berpikir Nama Sebuah Negara.... Atau Aplikasi Dari Negara CAIRO, Padahal Aplikasi Pada Ubuntu ini Di Kembangkan Dari Aplikasi sebelumnya Yang Sempat terjadi Error Pada beberapa Touchpat di Laptop.. Kalo Nggak salah nama Aplikasinya Adalah : MAC4LIN... Semacam Tampilan yang Terdapat pada MACBOOK... namun ternayata Aplikasi Ini Bisa Di Pasang pada Ubuntu kesayangan Anda.. Namun Sayangnya Aplikasi MAC4LIN ini Sering Terjadi Not Support Pada beberapa Laptop Sehingga menyebabkan Touchpat Tidak Berfungsi dan Kita di haruskan menggunakan Mouse... Jahhhhhh Ribet Apalagi ketika terburu-buru.. Harus pake Mouse sedangkan Tempatnya minim,,,,,,,!!!!!  Gw Pernah Ngalaminya...*@*

Nah... Sekarang Gw Sudah Punya Solusinya Untuk kalian Yang Ingin Mempercantik Ubntu Kalian Seperti MACBOOK... Walau tak semuanya Mirip...

caranya Cukup Mudah.... Langkah Pertama yang Anda harus lakukan Adalah :
- Buka System Pada Menu Bar Ubuntu
- Administration dan Pilih Synaptic Package Manager (lihat tampilan Di bawah)

- Langakah Selanjutnya Adalah Ketik CAIRO pada Colom Search...
- Akan Muncul Beberapa Aplikasi Yang Terkait dengan CAIRO...
- Pilih CAIRO-DOCK (Centang dan Apply)
- Kemudian Secara Otomatis Akan Melakukan Download dan Istall
  (Eiiitt..sss   Jangan Lupa Jangan Centang Dowload pack,Langsung Apply              Download Saja)

Tunggu Sampai Selesai Dan kemudian Jalankan dengan Cara Klik Menu Applications - Accesosies - dan Pilih Cairo-Dock (No openGL)


Treeetttt.... Jadi Dech... Wah.... Ubuntu Kita Cantik Sekarang.. Mirip tampilan MACBOOK... (Walau Bukan MACBOOK Tapi Miriplah Sedikit), Selamat Mencoba Ea... Jangan Lupa Belajar terus